
By SLPlearning

What a Day!

Spent the best part of the last year working on something called an Impact Forum with three other organisations.  It's amazing just how divisive discussing it can be with the people who matter.  We all mean different things when we talk about it which doesn't help.

I think it's best described one of those Shawshank moments when things are best left unsaid and best foot forward is the only way.  

Personally I think we all make an impact in some way and not judging that is what makes the concept all the more exciting.  Just imagine if we had judged all of the first computers ever made the way we judge each other-what a disaster that would have been.

So what's the positive in this rather frustrating period? I've used this little ditty with many learners' over the years-it's amazing just how the sentiments make a difference.

Your life has
Your story is
Your dreams
Your Voice 
You were born to
Make an Impact.


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