Orchard Corner
Its been a long time since there was an orchard here, on this spot where Orchard Lane and Orchard Street meet in Bristol. Eight hundred years or so in fact. Once this area was the orchard given to the bon-hommes, or Brothers of Penitence. Sometimes called the Bluefriars because of the colour of their robes they gave daily help to the local poor.
Today, during a gap in the rain at lunchtime I particularly liked the sun breaking through the threatening sky behind the building and grabbed this opportunity to take this rather moody shot.
Many of the buildings in this street were owned by Harveys wine merchants for many years. Harveys were based in Bristol and were reasonably well known for their Harvey's Bristol Cream sherry. What you can't see when you walk these streets is that there are extensive and deep cellars below, in which the merchants stored their wines and spirits.
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