Hazy Moon

Up early this morning to speak to my gran and family in Australia on Skype.

Gran isn't very well so my sister and I clubbed together to send my mum across to Australia for a week so she sould see her mum ... At least Gran's back at home and comfortable.

It was great to speak to everyone this morning - my mum (funny her being on the other side of the world), my aunt, my uncle, my gran and her partner. Hopefully we'll catch up with each other again later in the week.

The rest of the day was taken up with cleaning and then shopping - a final mission to B&Q to get the tiles we picked for the bathrooms.

Managed to get out this evening for a tramp round the fields to stretch the legs and take some shots as the sun went down and the moonrise. Great to get out and about, but bloody cold.

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LOTD: kdoes' yellow leaf blip - fantastic colours and dof.

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