Neil went off to work before I got up.   I was woken up later by the sound of the doorbell.  The delivery was a parcel of " Kipling " items I had ordered online. I'm a great fan of Kipling stuff.  I bought a suitcase, a wallet type thingy and an iPad case.  I bought an iPad recently ( my first Apple product ) so I thought I would get a nice case to carry it in - that's when I find out how to use it.

I had intended going out today but the weather was cold and rainy all day so I chickened out.  I didn't really need any shopping so it was a good day to stay indoors.

Becky phoned at 5.30pm and we talked while she was walking home from work.  It was good to have a catch up.

I was a bit stumped for a blip so I decided to try the " Tiny Tuesday " challenge. My late husband collected cigarette cards and there are many albums in the spare room.  I have always thought that these albums contain some " tiny masterpieces" so I spent some time browsing through some of them in search of a blip..

I chose two cards from the series " Nations of the World".  Issued in 1923 by F & J Smith.  The artwork is excellent I think.  The cards measure 2¾ inches  by 1½inches.  Little treasures. 

Steps today - 3,351

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