Should I Go Out Today?

The weather was extraordinarily grim, and it's only September. Continuous heavy rain, low cloud and mist.

Despite having been up until well after 1 am packing up parcels for the courier, and then not getting to sleep straight away, I was up well before 8 am. The lack of sleep took its toll later.

Today is to be celebrated as the day that I took my final dose of Alendronic Acid - an anti-osteoporosis treatment. I've been taking a tablet once a week on Mondays for five years which has meant not having my morning tea for AT LEAST half an hour afterwards, and not being able to go back to bed.

The doctor recommended that I should cease the medication because research shows it can actually cause more problems if extended indefinitely. I suppose that's something. I have to have a bone scan in two years to find out how low my bone density continues to be.

Anyway, the robin. A bright patch of red emerging from the relatively warm and dry sanctum of the neighbour's evergreen tree overhanging the fence. I grabbed my long lens but had to shoot through the dirty kitchen window to be sure of capturing him. He looked as if he was trying to make his mind up about whether to get out and about or not. He flew off when I opened the back door, food gathering being the overwhelming priority, without doubt.

I finally forced Basil and myself out in the early afternoon. I had to go to the Post Office to buy some brown packing paper for two remaining parcels. Then I thought we'd go and see Joy. She hadn't been feeling too bright, but we got the gin out and both of us felt a lot better afterwards.

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