Tiny buds.....

.....from the evergreen shrub of Osmanthus delavayi.
Osmanthus delavayi, commonly known as Dalavay Osmanthus or Delavay Tea Olive, is native to south China. In its native habitat it grows in mountainous woodlands.
Osmanthus is derived from the Greek osme meaning 'perfume' and anthus meaning 'flower'. Delavayi is named after Fr. Pierre Jean Marie Delavay (1834-1895), a missionary botanist.
Like many of my plants this one is a newbie to my garden. I'm looking forward to those tiny buds opening, releasing their fragrance and observing what insects will be attracted to it, I'm sure there will be some.
Not a breath of wind and 21C at 3pm, a beautiful warm/hot spring day.

Happy Tuesday everyone :)

Edit: For those interested yesterday's blip is up, a little late but better late than never :)

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