Effortlessly Esther

Asha had a great day at school, though she told us it had been 'good AND bad' then produced a broken hair-band! Oh well....if that was the only bad bit, we can cope with that! Had a meeting with all the other class parents after school...nice to meet them briefly...
This morning I met with a friend who's left the island and moved to Seville - nice to see her for a coffee and catch up on life!
Then this afternoon Esther and I went to the café and saw some of the guys, then went on a prayer walk. Then we all went out for a celebratory dinner (blipped!) as today was Esther's last day with us before she heads home to Berlin. We'll miss her.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha having a good day.
2) People-watching...have learned and witnessed so much about the Roma by just watching. Felt struck today by HOW kind all the grown-ups are to the kids, and how full of confidence the kids all are...
3) Finding THE ideal gift for Esther to say thankyou. You know when you just know a gift is going to go down well?!

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