Gifts of Grace

By grace


Blank page, new leaf, fresh start.  Some of my favourite things.  Never met a blank page that didn't draw the words right out of me.

1,000 blips - obviously not consecutive, stats tell me it's an average of 3/week.  I'm glad Blip's still here, I' m glad we're all still here.  Doing what we do.  Feeding each other souls, whenever, however we can.  Thanks for following me, if you do, and thanks for popping in if you don't.

I have two celebrations - the first is to link to two of my favourite sets of my own images taken over the years - here  and here.  I'll find out on Wednesday if my other images have been rescued from my old hard drive.  Otherwise Blip is it!  Apart from a few albums on Picasa blip contains all my curated images from the last six years.

Today's blank page image is in celebration of getting back to writing proper.  It's been seven months since I worked on the book-blog and I'm still months away from posting anything new.  You might remember I had a bit of a panic in the New Year and put it under password protection.  Panic over I'm opening it up again now, at least for a while.  Work in progress blog is here.

With apologies to Yeats: tread softly because you tread on my … soul. Blippers are good at that, mostly :-)

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