I spent most of yesterday trying to catch up with things at home. One job seemed to lead to another and by the end of the day the cottage was ship shape, but I still hadn't tackled some work related stuff. I really need to prioritise better. As a result I stayed up far too late. The up side was that today was far more productive, there was nothing to distract and I found I could focus a lot easier knowing there wasn't a pile of washing waiting to be done. Sad but true.

Linda came to view some images and we chatted websites and blogs - the possibilities are endless - which always leaves me feeling hopeful and buoyed up. I spent the afternoon preparing for a shoot tomorrow which I am really looking forward to.

I watched a little of the England match, but was so tired I went to bed. I didn't miss much and I'm not convinced by Rooney at all - even though he did score. Still I don't wish to knock them too much, there are plenty of others out there just waiting for the opportunity to pounce. I really like Roy Hodgeson and compared to previous tournaments, the boys done good!

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