An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



Emergency flower blip!

David and I agreed that today he would do all of Alan's meals and tomorrow I would them all, so that meant I had a completely free day today (a very rare thing!) so what did I do?  Well, after our late night last night, I enjoyed a very long lie.   I didn't get out of bed till 11.30am but in my defence, I actually slept till then, so must have been needing it.

Once I was up, showered and dressed, I was in a "doing" mood and I knew just what needed doing  (steady! :-)  - the completion of my wardrobe clear out that began weeks ago.

So, for the rest of the day (till 7.30pm infact, when I eventually ventured downstairs to make dinner) I cleared the rails of all the clothes I haven't worn in a year, I tidied out the bags of handbags (thought I would chuck some of those too but couldn't bring myself to) and when that was done, I turned my attention to my dressing table and cleared out all the drawers in that as well.  Perfume and makeup that I haven't worn in ages, all binned.  

What a great feeling and sense of achievement!

Of course as I left the room and glanced into the wardrobe to admire my handiwork, I saw there was hardly anything left hanging for me to wear and I realised this means I will have to do a dreaded....whisper it....ironing!

Every good plan has a flaw!

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