Showery day

We were expecting day long rain but in fact we have escaped rain most of the day, apart from a few heavy showers. We caught one whilst at the Golf Club. Leo got some practice in on the driving range, then opted for some rather showery practice on the putting green followed by even wetter fun on the crazy golf! I must confess I stayed nice and dry and snapped this from the comfort of the car!

We popped to Exeter this morning to get footie boots for Leo. He has some snazzy green and yellow ones which he will probably need tomorrow as I bet the showers will have left the ground all slithery!

I picked up some new shoes too. I bought some with liners like memory foam which I thought might be good for work since I'll be standing rather than sitting. They felt so comfy when I tried them on so I'll see how they go with a day full of standing tomorrow.

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