
Day in Shropshire to catch up with Sal following her chemo. We'd booked a surprise crochet day at the Pincushion in Oswestry run by the lovely and very patient Emma. I was spectacularly rubbish at crochet (as expected!) but Sal was brilliant (as expected) and we all had a good laugh and catch up. So relieved to see her looking so well and being so positive. 

Got back to Mums mid arvo and Luca, Orla, Eliza and my sis were over so we had a fun afternoon watching the kids playing and walking the dogs round the farm. Love watching Toby and Eva playing with their cousins. They all play so nicely together. 

Home late then sat up till 3 am (:O0 putting together a photo book because the credit is due to run out tomorrow and I didn't want to waste the £40 I'd spent pn it a month ago (thinking that would be plenty of time to get it sorted!!) My plan is to create a photo book to summarise our whole year in photos as we never ever get round to printing any, so have just done 2014. 

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