welcome to the real world

By dobbin


Well lots of things got done today.

We started off by putting up our shed, and had the help of Andrei who brought Ci Ci over too. So whilst they put up the shed I helped look after Ci Ci and Heidi. I took them to the park which Ci Ci was reluctant to leave! She had a great time and was very happy for most of the time (she fell over and cut her knee so cried for a bit, but was fine after a little cuddle).

Then this evening we took the train to London; Covent Garden because that's where the pop up Magnum Shop is!!!! We had a wander around, ate at Bella Italia (where I got a discount with my new student discount card! It made it seem more worth it!) and followed our pizzas with a lovely Magnum! Mine had caramel swirls, honeycomb and chocolate sprinkles on...yummy! Rather amusingly, daddy put rose petals on..!

We finished with a gentle stroll around London on the look out for anything to do with British Values for both Heidi and mum's benefit.

Had a really lovely time! Thank you mum and dad xxx

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