A Million Shades of Grey (Day 128)

I zoomed out with the dogs early this morning, and made it home jut in time to bid farewell to Mrs P. as she headed to work. I spent the morning collecting stuff in town then tinkering in the garage. It is time to start putting HV's bike back together now.
A quick lunch then the dogs and I headed for Wasdale under increasingly grey skies. The low cloud obscured any chance of a view, but I liked the sunburst through the clouds, and have deliberately under exposed this shot. It wasn't really as dark and menacing as it looks.
Back home for some more tinkering - I haven't had a bike to fiddle with for years and I am enjoying the little frustrations and achievements that come with working on an old(ish) bike. And I smell vaguely of petrol....
It must be beer o'clock

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