Half a job

Into Oban today - first wet day for some time, though the rain was fairly light.

I passed the new 'public space' on what used to be Stafford Street, with the paving and decorated glass screens. All very pretty, but whoever chose the plants deserves to have his bottom smacked, as my Mum would have said! A miserable collection of small random objects, half of them already dead. Is it any wonder that the council gets a bad name when it comes to horticulture? And many other things, of course.

My extra sliver of a picture is of the skerries out on the horizon, some 7 or 8 miles away down the Sound of Jura, between the north end of Jura and the end of the Craignish Peninsula. I see this view above the roof of the Loch Melfort Hotel as I drive into the garden.

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