Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Travelling north

Today I drove from my home in Northumberland to North Ballachulish, near Fort William. It gave me a chance to really enjoy my new car and to use the cruise control for the first time.

It was fairly quiet and I made good progress until Crianlarich, where a cycle race started on the main road.  The cyclists were pretty good about keeping in single file, but the road is narrow and twisty, so passing them was not always easy.  

They were cycling to Inverness, but by Fort William they were well strung out and there were no crowds lining the streets to cheer them on.  They I met Alec and Mary, age 81 and 80 respectively, who are also cyclists. They had come to support the cyclists. You would never guess that this couple were in their 80s. They cycle and walk a lot.  They might even come to the Walking Festival.

I had supper in the very fine Seafood Restaurant at Kinlochleven and I will enjoy a good night's sleep at my B & B.

Skye beckons tomorrow.

PS How can I have minus 9 views for my image??!

PPS There is a landscape shot in extras.

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