horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

In Suspense

Had an encounter today run straight into my top ten wildlife moments - walking through Saltoun woods and suddenly there are two stoats chasing each other, oblivious to our presence. Only lasted about ten seconds, and no way of getting the camera on them, but they were within a yard of our feet. Lots of bugs too...

Popped into STV to do the voiceover to finish my latest piece. Problem I have now is being back to work from Monday, and they mentioned they'd be keen to use me for some of the CitySafari wildlife stuff too... Not sure I'm going to be able to make the time anywhere, given they normally shoot in working hours, and I have no holidays left this year, nor flexi-time. All of which is a bit frustrating. But I can't drop everything to do it, cos they don't pay me for these things thus far! (probably one of the reasons they want me to do more...), even though the wildlife stuff would be something approaching the dream presenting job.

Dilemmas, conundrums, and no small amount of trying to work some stuff out to do.

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