
As most of you know, I am not a boat person. However the craft you see above which was tied at Crinan was a thing of such beauty with every detail imaginable that I had to photograph it. All the coverings looked expensive, the wood was beautiful and the detail of the rope work , even the fenders had little protective jackets on them and to top it all she has a Gaelic name. Cruinneag lll. I'm taking hubby after dinner to look at her. Extra photo has some more detail.
I looked her up. She was built in Tarbert Argyll & rumour has it she was taken out the water when the war began and hidden in a local church yard and only mysteriously appeared in 1944 after the war. 
Built for a rich Glasgow silk merchant then sold and bought by theChristie family of Glasgow, then sold around 2008 then bought again by one of the Christie grandchildren so she's back in the hands of her third owner's family. She is equally stunning inside and has her own Facebook site. Not bad for a 79 year old lady! If I look as good as this at that age I will be happy

cruinneag 111

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