Life on the edge...

By bru22


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As you know from yesterday's blip. I have returned to my school to perform (violin) in the orchestra for Derek D Noble's last production at Mearns Academy. My Mum used to work alongside Derek as a music teacher before she had my brother and I. Her health meant going back to classroom teaching was impossible so she now just teaches privately, They now have a new second music teacher (forth to take over from mum) Claire Angus, who is also playing violin in this production.

It's extremely strange to come back to Mearns having left 5 years ago. Strange even more to be playing violin 1 and be next to my old music teacher on violin 2... Although, I am absolutely loving seeing peoples faces once they figure out who I am... And maybe who I have become since the last time I stood on that same stage 5 years ago.

I have had some serious blasts from the past tonight. Last night I only knew a few people but tonight... Every single row had someone familiar in it. Made me smile!

It's made me see how much I do love where i've come from and also appreciate where I have got to with thanks to the visions of the teachers I have had. I appreciate how much I love living in a tiny community where everyone knows each other and the fact that no matter how long I go away for, how I basically look like a completely different person... I can still return and see so many familiar faces and places and smile... I will always be able to return home.

No have a promising audition video to send away tomorrow... Fingers crossed I can nail this one...

"You know nothing of JAVERT! I was born inside a jail. I was born with scum like you. I am from the gutter too."
Les Miserables

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