Looking out to sea . . .

A lovely day of autumnal sunshine.  Meeting in the morning, but then it was out into the garden.  Did some cutting back and tidying up, picked more broad beans and peas and yet more sweet peas!  

Every time I pick a bunch, I think they will be the last and yet they keep coming.  Keats poem To Autumn comes to mind  . . . . later flowers for the bees, until they think warm days will never cease, for Summer has o'er - brimm'd their clammy cells . . . 

Before starting on dinner Ollie and I went for a windy walk up on the cliffs.  It was blowing off shore, so we went down onto the beach where we watched gannets, paddled and looked for groatie buckies (cowrie shells).  

The wispy cloud above Ollie's head looks like steam coming from him!

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