Bootsy again

Albeit a wee bit more animated than yesterday.

Me too. A couple of big firsts today. The main one was that I slept almost right through the night before I had to wake up for painkillers. For the last week I've been waking up 3-4 hours after going to sleep and needing to take more but last night I got about six and a half hours before that happened.

I also managed the closest I have to a proper meal since the operation. Roz's mum came out to visit and took us for lunch and I managed just over half of mine before it got too sore and Roz had to finish my chips.

It's all progress though. I'm not counting my chickens yet because apparently within the next day or two the scabs will come off and reform and it'll get really sore again, but it's the first day I've felt a wee bit like I'm on the mend.

I'm normally not too bad with pain, but I've never experienced anything as bad as this, even when I broke my leg as a teenager. It's probably just how constant it is, breathing, swallowing and eating have all been sore so there hasn't been any respite from it until today.

Anyway, there's light at the end of the tunnel now it appears.

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