Playing ball

sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn't,  that's toddlers for you...

Yesterday she didn't get to sleep till gone 9 so I ran out of steam and didn't get chance to blip, but it wasn't too bad a day... 1 major incident, 2 minor incidents, but also a good old catch up on FaceTime with my mate Lisa, although it was cut short as we were both distracted by our kids... (it seems quite strange to write that, for so many years, Lisa has been a great Mum to her two beautiful children, and I've just been Aunty Clare, but this time I'm a Mum as well...trying to multitask and  hold a conversation whilst making sure that my girl wasn't killing herself/destroying anything at the same time... I've now got a much better understanding of my friend's experience and also what a great job she's been doing all these years, so happy birthday Lisa,  love you always and appreciate all your tips and advice x) 

But now onto today, which was also good with no major incidents at all... we played at home this morning, then went out for cake with my mum this afternoon, whilst little un napped in her buggy,  then two hours in the park,  swings, climbing frames and running around playing football... little un was a bit overtired and fighting sleep tonight, but now she's gone I think she'll sleep soundly... I managed to tire myself out so I'm sure she must be shattered...  she's run and run and run this afternoon and I'm proud to say she's got a remarkably accurate kick for a 2 year old... who knows, my dad might yet get a child that likes football!

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