This lovely little flower we have placed on our new stone area and it is a Primula.  It has been flowering ever since we planted it and I love the intricacy of its structure.

Spent the day digging holes ready to plant loads of Spring bulbs as there is none in this garden and I know how it gladdens the heart after a long cold winter to see the joyful bright flowers.  And of course it wasn't straight forward coming against masses of old roots, ivy, and oodles of stuff I don't want.  But I will persevere.

The other photo is taken looking across Rushey Green towards the sea on the way to the beach.  The beach was quiet with hardly any wind and we all enjoyed a lovely paddle.

Thankyou for the lovely comments and favourites given to me on yesterday's sun going down and I look forward to reading what you have all been up to.  Love to you all. xxx 

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