Morning Shadow

No, not the sort of thing which is related to the 5 o'clock shadow on a man's face but merely the effect of the early morning sunshine in the back garden.

My apologies but commenting was sparse last night and is likely to remain so for the next day or two. Between photos to shoot and process for work on the one hand and a back up hard drive which has started acting up I am running around in circles at the moment. And that doesn't take into account a broken pipe feeding the water butt, which should be a simple repair but I am finding impossible to source a metre of 25mm rubber tubing. Phew!

By the way, the hard drive hasn't collapsed yet but at times won't let me write to it. When that happens, bad things are around the corner. Just as well I have two further back ups and I am writing from one of those right now to a new primary back up, ie a BIG one. Be warned everyone. Back up or die!

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