Tiny Worlds

Feeling jet-lagged this afternoon, I spent some time in the back yard looking for macro blip possibilities. One hundred and ninety-three photos later, I had witnessed very different insects -- fruit flies and a minuscule grasshopper -- dining compatibly together on overripe blackberries (see extra), and a very narrow escape for this ant.

It was clambering around one of the few blackberry blossoms remaining and failed to notice two raised legs of a tiny crab spider (see them in soft focus against the back petal of this blossom). With great control and infinite patience, the crab spider gently placed those limbs over the ant, who was investigating the blossom's stamens and pistils. 

Just as I thought the spider would have a tasty meal well "in hand," the ant seemed to realize its dilemma and scurried away. I hope the crab spider eventually captured something for its dinner!

Doing three loads of laundry, replenishing our food supplies, perusing six days of mail and newspapers, and other quotidian activities have taken up much of today. I hope to have more time to catch up with your journals in the next few days!

(Thank you, 60plus, for hosting Tiny Tuesday again this week. This week's submissions may be viewed here.

And take a look at Phil's blip about the 84th North American Festival of Wales, a key part of our recent vacation. The schedule of events, should you be interested, is here.)

Blip 1344

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