Today's Thoughts

By AApple



This is a completely ordinary photo, and this is a completely ordinary cat, but this cat completely changed the mentality I had about cats in only 3 seconds...

Since I was young, I disliked cats because of my mom's influence. Whenever we saw a cat, she would express her antipathy to them, mainly because of their eyes and some superstition that cats bring bad luck. However, when I was in second year at my university, I met this cat, Louis. He lived at the greenhouse where I was doing some volunteer work. I was told that he didn't like people chasing after him, but that wasn't a problem for me; whenever I saw him, I just gave him a few glances, then went back to my work. He usually ignored me, but one day, he sidled up to me when I was in the middle of watering some plants. He let me pet him, and I fell in love after that.

Like I said, 3 seconds. He slipped right under my defences...

One time when I was watering plants outside, Louis walked casually up to me and sat down at my feet. I put the hose down, started to pet him, and couldn't stop, so I sat down with my back against a wall, the soles of my feet on the ground, and my knees close to my chest. My legs became a small tunnel, which Louis crawled under and sat in for awhile, swishing his tail the entire time......

I miss him, *sniff. After I stopped volunteering at the greenhouse, I went back to visit, but after awhile, I noticed that Louis had been absent for an unnaturally long period of time. I asked the greenhouse keeper about him, and he said that Louis hadn't come back to the greenhouse in a long time. He said he might have been eaten by a coyote!

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *sob, sob

Eventually, the greenhouse keeper got a new cat (he kept cats to keep the mice population under control). I never saw the new cat, but I will never forget Louis. He was the one who made me love cats. I really, really hope that he wasn't eaten by some creature. >_<

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