
By TBay

The old and the new.

I went to do a tractor Tuesday blip but there were no tractors there! Well they are out busy silaging, but as I have yet another YFC AGM in a moment I opted for this slight cheat! Mr Tbay had just gone to make a phone call and parked his mini tractor outside the front door. So I'm afraid this is it for this week!

The Tbay Jnr's returned from Malta this morning having had a lovely holiday, However Mr Tbay Jnr hit the ground running as he was straight into working out the schedule for this week. Too many jobs and not enough staff scenario! Every one has gone silaging, grass seeding, ploughing all at once as the weather is good for a few days. this has of course led to a man and tractor shortage! After a frantic afternoon on the phone it looks as if we have enough men and machines to complete all the jobs! Phew.

I started to get my clothes out for the holiday. Much ironing and repairing and re modelling of items ensued! We are getting there!

Mr Tbay out silaging first thing and back by lunch time ready to pick up the Tbay Jnr's . Then it was mowing time again!

Busy week ahead but that's good!

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