Orange Hawkweed

Pilosella aurantiaca (Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Grim-the-collier) is a flowering plant of the family Asteraceae native to alpine regions of central and southern Europe, where it is protected in several regions.
It is a low-growing plant with shallow fibrous roots and a basal rosette of elliptical to lanceolate leaves 5-20 cm long and 1-3 cm broad. The flowering stem is usually leafless or with just one or two small leaves. The stem and leaves are covered with short stiff hairs (trichomes), usually blackish in color. The stems may reach a height of 60 cm and have 2-25 capitula (flowerheads), each 1-2½ cm diameter, bundled together at the end of short pedicels. All parts of the plant exude a milky juice.

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