Unlucky Heather

At 7am this morning - upon arrival at daughter's house - to commence Granny Duty - was greeted by 7yo - sporting an large dressing under his jaw

After remarking he was a bit too young to cut himself shaving - turns out he'd fallen off his scooter yesterday - landed on his chin - had five steri strips under the dressing - whilst taking him and 5 yo to school - meet their friend I - who had come off her skateboard - the right hand side of her face bruised

Walked later in the morning - over the moor - met a group of walkers - one of whom was laid on the footpath - nearby this heather - right leg encased in a splint by a first responder - suspected broken ankle

On a lighter note - have had my hair cut - planted autumn bedding - and remarked that the weather this afternoon was Mediterrean - the response being - "Are your sure it's going to rain again

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