Victoria's Homecoming
A busy day, which I had all planned out, gardening, housework, baking and cleaning and filling all the bird and squirrel feeders, leaving time to watch the F1.
Things did not go to plan and I had almost completed the weeding of the border that I started the other day when my husband needed some parts from Wickes. I decided to leave the gardening and go with him. While we were out, we also went to Homebase as not all the required parts were available in Wickes. Then we decided to go to Home@eat for a late lunch; it is opposite the two stores. On my return, because I did not have to cook an evening meal I managed to get all the jobs done, except the housework!
I spent much of the evening, as did her Mum, ‘tracking’ Victoria home from her holiday using ‘plane finder’. She was travelling alone, as her boyfriend and his family have another week’s holiday; Victoria has to go to college tomorrow. She was already ten minutes out of Perpignan before I managed to find her flight. She did not arrive at her home until after midnight. My choice today, despite the many I had to choose from, is of her aeroplane just after it crossed the English Channel, almost home.
Note: Some of you will have seen this type of picture previously in my journal; I always track my family , when they go away, both in- and out-bound for the entire journey or as long as possible, when they are airborne.
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