Two Cakes? Yes, Two birthdays.

My daughter and my 16 year old grandson shared a birthday party because their birthdays are one day apart. My son-in-law planned the parties and got two cakes, it was very last minute, but many of my grandson's friends showed up! I was really glad since he thought they had totally forgotten to celebrate his 16th birthday. (He had told me that two days ago) Life has been very busy at their house since the kids started sports practice TWICE a day at their new school (20 miles away)before school started and now that school has started she has to have them there at 7:30AM, plus getting things packed to move. Not to mention attending their games! They won't move until the 25th of this month, so my daughter has been driving back and forth a lot. 

I am attempting to take photos of people more; so here is my presentation of that.  I am adding this a couple days late. 

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