Choo! Choo!

We had a fab day today. We hadn't planned what we were doing but we ended up walking from the lock gates all the way to the country park along the river bank. A was in his trike and P walked all the way! Once at the park we had some time to mess around in the play area. A wanted to go on the slide but it was really high so I had to climb up all the way too. It was fun sliding down but as soon as we were at the bottom he said "more!" P did really well on the rope ladders too, she got right to the top with minimal help. We then had a delicious lunch at the pub. As our legs were getting a bit tired and our tummies were full we decided to top the day off by catching the steam train back to where we had parked the car. Choo! Choo! Kiddies loved it.

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