A Long Wait

We heard a steam train this morning. On checking the Riviera Express website it seemed it was being pulled by Britannia which used to pull the Royal trains. I haven't seen that one so I headed down to the track for 5.15 which I calculated was plenty of time. I got in position and checked my settings, filters etc and settled down to wait ... and I waited ... and waited.

It reminded me of one of those situations when new apprentices are sent to the store for 'a long weight/wait.' I'd probably have packed it in and assumed it had come through early but there were other people waiting on the bridge down the track (as you can see from the blip). I decided if it hadn't come by twenty to seven I'd pack up then at exactly that time a 125 came through so I thought I'd give it a few more minutes to see if it had been waiting for that one to clear. It's always a hard decision to go because you know that as soon as you get down from your position it'll come through! It didn't though. It's the last steam train of the season so it's a bit of a disappointment!

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