Moments in time

By Ali_tkdgirl

Birthday Boy

I was officiating at a Tae Kwon Do grading all day today. One of our junior black belts had his birthday today but insisted that he wanted to spend his birthday helping out at the grading.

To me this lad is the epitome of Tae Kwon Do. In Tae Kwon Do we strive to live to the 5 tenets laid down by the founder, Courtesy, Integrity, Self Control, Perseverance and Indomitable Spirit.   He is alway polite and always thanks the instructors at the end of each lesson. But one thing I haven't told you that quantifies my feelings.

Approximately 4 months ago, this lad's world was thrown completely upside down when his father suddenly died. He was only 48, no age whatsoever. It was a huge shock for everyone. But this lad was determined to to carry on to make his father proud. Both him and his younger sister 'Walked the Wight' (a 26 mile charity walk across the island), the weekend after their father's passing, in his memory. Also he carried on with his Tae Kwon Do lessons, the next week. He focussed all of his grief into his Tae Kwon Do. His focus was on getting his black belt. He also helped his friends in the lessons to inspire them and help them in their gradings. 

He achieved his goal of becoming a black belt in July, and achieved the best mark in the grading. We knew his Dad was watching him and helping him, and that he would have been so proud of him.

So when we heard that he wanted to spend his birthday at the grading, we arranged to have a surprise birthday cake, made by my talented sister and we presented it to him at the grading.  This was the best shot of the presentation that I could get. I was trying not to cry. The cake was a replica of the suit top that we wear.

I know that this lad has a bright future ahead of him and I am so glad that he can focus on Tae Kwon Do to help his through this hard time.

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