Combined day!

This afternoon two fellow blippers & I headed down Kintyre coast road as one of them was searching for a surfing photo for her camera club  so there we were cruising along looking for good looking surfer dudes some sports photos. Unfortunatley all the surfers had just come off the beach so we pressed onwards to Machrachanish. There were no cool dudes surfers there either and the golfers were fat and old boring!
We did espy some vintage dudes cars and got some photos. Then on our return we saw a tractor with a good looking farmer loads of gulls following it so my fellow blippers were overjoyed and took millions several photos of the farmer gulls.
We had a hilarious day with loads of laughs with some very interesting conversation & observations. Haven't laughed so much in ages.
Me! well I managed to get this super shot of this lovely sexy farmer combine!

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