pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Even Junior-er Masterchef!

After his big brother's culinary successes, Son Two decided a few days ago that he'd like to take a turn at making dinner, and creating his own recipe. Definite success! Ok, so he had some help with the prep and the hot pans, but the ideas were all his own.

I asked him when he initially mentioned it what his ideas were, and I have to confess that when he said chicken I was expecting to hear 'nuggets' as the next word, not 'breasts sprinkled with oregano and roasted'!! :-o But that's what we got. Cubed potatoes ("because if we cut them up small before cooking them I won't have to waste time cutting them when I'm eating!" - 5 year old logic for you!), roasted in olive oil and mustard seeds, chicken breast sprinkled with oregano and a bit of mint, topped with gouda and roasted, roasted red peppers, sugar snap peas, crispy fried carrot ribbons and a chilli, tomato and sour cream sauce. He can definitely do it again!

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