Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Smells Like Summer

Loki posing in the field we frequent. Beautiful day - perfect temperatures, warm (but not too warm!) sun, and a lovely breeze. Mr. Badger, the dogs, and I all had a nice evening walk. The field in this photo is going to be bulldozed over in the not too distant future for yet another shopping center =\ It is beautiful here, nice fields, little hills, and a good sized forest with deer and turkey (at the very least). Very sad they are going to bulldoze it all ;_; It isn't as if there aren't enough places to shop already! I think I'm one of the few people in our complex who ever even uses that area, but I know a lot of other people in our complex are upset about the incoming shopping center as well. Not much can be done however, the all mighty dollar takes precedence -_-

And I did not get this Blip up on time last night! My computer was very angry with me and not cooperating at all - so I called it quits for the night. It was much happier this morning after I smacked it around a bit and rebooted it. It is pretty old at this point and Mr. Badger and I have been talking about getting a new one. But shhh, don't tell this one!

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