Spray away...

A dry day . Little Miss away playing hockey this morning. They beat Dollar so she was quite chuffed. The new Borders Railway opened today,with lots of special people with Golden Tickets getting the first shot. Had meant to go for a look and a Blip opportunity, but spent the day causing a stink,spreading slurry, instead.Will get a train Blip another day.
The sprayer in doing all the spring barley with glyphosphate (Roundup) to kill off all the greens and weeds,so should be ready to start cutting in 7-14 days.
The wind must have been coming from the North this afternoon,as the hang gliders (or para gliders these days) were out in force on our top hill. I counted 10 up at once at one stage.Have never had a shot in one yet. Have been over the farm in a microlight once, definitely prefer engine power!

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