The Lady At The Dam

The lawnmower has been very unreliable all summer. Mum finally had enough last week, and took it to the repair shop. Yesterday, they called and said the mower was beyond repair, which meant mum had to buy a new one today. I was not allowed to come, but once we headed south, it was already in the car and my car crate had been moved to the front seat.

When we arrived at the summer house, we went for a rather short walk because mum wanted to get the mower going. I was put in the veranda and then she started the thing...not. She tried many times. Our very nice neighbour tried many times. Grrr....

So she left everything, came for me and we went for a proper walkie instead. We walked past the dam and the small power station upstream to my paddling spot and back. She was very angry, so I thought it would be good for her. When we came back, our neighbour had managed to get it working somehow. I think that was lucky, because she seemed close to a nervous breakdown. I like it better when she is happy.

(dam means lady in Swedish)

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