Monkeys day out.

The night was just grim, we played musical beds at one point.

From time to time Lee manages to say something do something etc that is totally unexpected. Today was one such day.
Why don't we use the return ticket to the safari park?
Give me 30 minutes to shower, sort x 2 monkeys. Pack a bag and we are off.

Much busier than we went at the start of the holidays, lots of queue of cars all trying to catch a. Glimpse of animals, but it was fun. Both children came in the front and took turns to drive. We dodged most of the queues by simpy driving round them and then getting great views of the animals.

Munch thoroughly loved the ride area again, she had plotted her route even before we got there. Wom wasn't quite so happy as he couldn't go on them. He did get to go on the iggle piggle and teletubbies ride. He did enjoy himself, honest.

Home by 3. Lee gardened, we played.
Bedtime completed.
Done a bit of work, more to do tomorrow. Always more to do!

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