Hamlet day

You may remember that my trusty laptop queued for four and a half hours at the beginning of August 2014 to buy three tickets for "Hamlet". Well, the special day finally arrived.

Benedict Cumberbatch, known for his Sherlock and more recently "The Imitation Game", was cast as Hamlet and tickets sold out in record time, largely because of his manic international following, the Cumberbitches.

There were reports that the £65 tickets were fetching £1500 each and special security measures were put in place.

We three are not Cumberbitches and we didn't sell. We just wanted to see his Hamlet.

The production was very different. The producer tinkered with Shakespeare's words and even put the famous "to be or not to be" at the opening of the play.

After a record length and priced few weeks of previews, she moved it back to Act Three after the uproar.

Verdict ? Benedict Cumberbatch is magnificent. The production is visually stunning but has some really silly bits and some appalling acting. Claudius is particularly dreadful but even worse was Horatio. I will never forgive them for screwing up "Goodnight sweet prince".

I'm so pleased to have seen it. Very memorable and if you get a chance to see a live screening in a couple of weeks, do go along.

No photos allowed (also famously) so my blip is a detail of the stained glass in St Etheldreda's on the way there.

PS Jude Law was still better.

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