Gitama's World

By Gitama

READY....STEADY.....GO....It's a Dogs Life

Sometimes there is nothing better than to watch the antics of dogs on the beach...or anywhere they can run and play for that matter.

They exude such joy and wild abandon...errr! that is when they are running and playing.

Unfortunately they have the other side of having to pee up every post sniff at every blade of grass (including each others private parts)...A lady got angry with Rumi for sniffing her dogs privates......I told her that he must be a very unusual dog for sure...most dogs LOVE IT!

However as I was mentioning ...when they are playing and jumping and leaping in the air so graceful and full of life and vitality one can't help but smile and just enjoy the moment.....I would like to be a dog be able to run the length of the beach in no time..... ears flapping in the wind. Sleep whenever I wanted on my cozy cushion...get served dinner and breakfast.....and just have all that unconditional love (food is an exception).

It's been another gorgeous day.

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