
By Angelique


Much excitement from me this morning as my lovely Ipomoea flowered this morning for the first time since we moved.  In fact it had two blooms with a lot more to come.  I am so pleased because at first it got blown over in the strong winds here and looked very wet and bedraggled.

The other photo is another bloom from our Moody Blue rose which looks lovely against the newly painted fence.

We had a difficult day yesterday as Dean the plumber came to fix our downstairs toilet which he did very efficiently.  The only problem was we realised that our drains were completely blocked and beginning to overflow into the garden!!  So later that day after calling in the drain specialists, and removing tree roots and "flushable"  wipes, which apparently are not, we are now in the clear, so to speak.  We will now have to make sure guests do not put wipes into the system.

So today, after Mr A cuts the lawn and we vacuum the house, we will probably be exhausted.

Thankyou for kind words on sister's bouquet which look even better today.  Enjoy the weekend fellow blippers xxxx

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