Prawn Free

D doesn't do prawns, or seafood of any description, but Alfie loves it. We had a Thai takeaway tonight and Alf had sweet and sour prawns. Very nice.

So last nights feeling of bonhomie started to drizzle away by about 9 o'clock when the plumber was still here trying to fix the tank. The hot water was still off and cold water was still dripping through the light fitting onto the hall floor. By 10 o'clock he still hadn't fixed it so I took myself off to bed. He was still clomping around at 10.30 then obviously gave up and went home.
I boiled a kettle to have a wash this morning and used dry shampoo. D had to go to a meeting in Peterborough so I was in charge of getting children to school. I was supposed to be taking a friend's two children to school as well which was fine, then my school rang to ask if I could come in and cover year 5 for the day as their teacher had rung in sick. Aaaaaargh!!!!!

Not the best of mornings but I felt I had earned a drink and takeaway by this evening so it's feet up and a good slonk (thank you Lady G) on the sofa.

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