What a day!

The day began early as I woke about 6am, read for a while then got up. Decided to have a go on my go nowhere exercise bike, managed 15 mins and was knackered, so unfit!
Then spent the rest of the day trying to re organise an iteneraray for a bunch of performers from across the Briney who were let down a bit with their organisation. That took most of the day to try to sort. Then it was off to Oban to help at the choir. At the end of choir practice one of the sopranoes asked if I would listen to her solo peice as she would be competing at the local Gaelic Mod this SAt. We decided to use one of the side rooms and I sat and listened to her Gaelic rendition then I realised that all around us was quiet! At this point the wee Japanese wuman (yes thats right she is Japanese learning Gaelic) she began to panic when she realised we were all alone in a dark building and locked in! In her panic she reverted back to shouting in Japanese! I thought to calm her down but the only two Japanese words I knew were Hari Kari! which I thought perhaps might not be appropriate at this moment of time! I tried phoning the conductor but she had her phone naturaly enough on silent, then I phoned a friend who was really helpfull and fell about laughing saying not to worry "the pipe band will be there on Thurs for their practice" sometimes I wonder about my choice of friends! However the little Japanese lady had calmed down enough to realise she had a list of the choir names and their phone numbers and managed to get the keyholder to come and unlock the door to let us out!
I am now back home nursing a very large glass of Glayva! Slainte!
Happy blipping all

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