This is not just any old snapdragon, or antirrhinum - this is a double antirrhinum and it belongs to one of our neighbours. We have such kind neighbours, so when they see me out in my pink gown and slippers or dressed, as I was today because I was out in the front garden, they are always interested in what I am doing - or perhaps they just want to make sure I have not gone completely doolally!
Actually, I looked up the meaning of “doolally” and it says:
Temporarily deranged or feeble-minded
Transported with excitement or pleasure
Think I will stick with the second definition as I was very excited to find these double snapdragons. When I saw them a few days ago, I asked our neighbour if I could cut one of them with Flower Friday in mind, and as he does look at my Blips occasionally, he was happy for me to do so, so out I went early this morning, cut it, then came back and played with it in the warmth of the conservatory. It’s getting quite chilly in the mornings now, so I guess Autumn is really here, but I have resisted putting the heating on - for the moment!
Flowers (and good neighbours!)
always make people better,
happier, and more helpful;
they are sunshine,
food and medicine for the soul.
Luther Burbank
Mr. HCB is doing very well - he is being very sensible and has gone out into the garden early, because he didn’t think he could bear to wear his hat with stitches on the top of his head and in his forehead.
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