
I bought new wellie boots today. My other ones had developed a big split down the back. They were quite cheep and lasted a couple of years so that wasn't too bad.
These I've spent a fair amount of money on. They weren't the most expensive as some were over £80.00. They cost far more than I expected to pay. I love them. I just hope they last a bit longer than two years.
I took it easy at bootcamp yesterday. My bum and legs ache today though. I'm glad I've started back again. I even had my first swim tonight. It nearly didn't happen as I forgot my costume. Luckily they had some for sale. Tonight was a costly swim session.
I haven't been for quite a while as before I had my op I had visitors which stopped my evening swims.
It felt very strange though. I couldn't get in the water my usual way by slipping in from the side, I had to use the steps. When I started swimming I could feel the pull on my wound. I ended up just using my arms. I really enjoyed being back in the water again. Can't wait to go again.

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