
... Should one twirl when one is wearing ones favourite tutu skirt? On ones bed of course.

Good day today. We went back to the village we lived when Katie was tiny to go to "tea and toast". Katie had fun with her friends, I had fun with mine! It was nice to catch up with friends we don't see enough.

We made a couple of stops after to do jobs for friends before we headed home. She was very excited about her swimming lesson today, desperate to show her teacher what she's learnt and how hard she's been practising. It couldn't have worked out better as it turned out- noone else from her class showed up today so she got a one to one lesson. She worked super hard. She swam over 24 lengths (I lost track!), did loads of tumble turn practice and nailed her dives off the higher side. He gave her a big high five at the end of the class and told me that he thinks the break has done her good, that if she swims like that for during testing she will pass the grade. She got out the pool so full of pride in her wee self.

She asked to go to bed when we got in. At 515. She was asleep by 6, after reading quietly with her music on.

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