
By hoodedpigwoman

How we make people 'other': I read a memoir of a girl who had lived through the Nazi death camps as a teenage slave labourer. She had come from a modest but modern secular background in Europe, she went to school, had a radio and bike. Then the Nazis decided she was sub-human and sent her and her family to work to death. But at one point, she and her mother and group of other women were sent out from the camp to board and work at a factory in Germany which had signed up for the free workers for the first time. The staff met them at the station, greeted them as normal people and asked them where their luggage was. The women, in their camp uniforms and clogs, burst out laughing. Within a few days the people in the factory, realising that nobody would do anything to prevent it, started beating the women same as the camp guards did.

I'm not saying we are like this - but we easily seem to forget that other people are people.

I recently read this powerful article about being a refugee. Take a look.

I want all children to have the opportunity to stuff sweeties and go to school and play. I'm glad my phone has been ringing all day, but why has it taken this long?

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