Shades of Grey

Well it was pishing down so I decided to leave a sleepy house and take Juno for a walk. When we got by the stream she jumped in. It was in spate and she got a fright and was panicing. There was no way I was going in. She managed to get out and resisted another visit for the rest of the walk.

Met the flood prevention crew unblocking the debri collectors on the stream with a digger and big rakes.

I did a bit of dam busting to allow flood burns make it to the big stream, great fun.

Back home and I cycled over to football to help the adult team out as a coach.

A good game but they gave too much away clawing themselves back to a 3-2 defeat.

The skies darkened again and the heavens opened as I cycled back home.

Miserable day weather wise but I had fun.


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